Found 'qualified' after the module [GHC-87491]

The ImportQualifiedPost extension, allows you to put the qualified keyword after the module in imports, without this it must be before the module. This is part of the GHC2021 extension set.


Found 'qualified' after the module

This file is written in Haskell2010 which doesn’t have the ImportQualifiedPost extension. To fix this you need to either turn on ImportQualifiedPost, or change the qualified keyword to be prefix.

Error Message

ImportQualifiedPost:5:16: error: [GHC-87491]
    Found `qualified' in postpositive position.
    Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use ImportQualifiedPost
5 | import Prelude qualified
  |                ^^^^^^^^^
{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-}

module ImportQualifiedPost where

import Prelude qualified
{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}

module ImportQualifiedPost where

import Prelude qualified